Beat the Summer Heat with These Refreshing & Healthy Foods

When summer's scorching temperatures take their toll, there's no better way to cool down from the inside out than with fresh, hydrating foods. Not only can these warm-weather eats provide tasty refreshment, but many are packed with nutrients that will help keep you healthy all season long. Load up on these seven superstar summer foods that nutritionists rave about:

1. BoxNCase Japanese Cucumbers:

With their ultra-high water content, cucumbers are a supreme summer hydration source. Their crunch adds textural delight while their subtle sweetness makes them endlessly snackable. Enjoy them sliced with a sprinkling of salt, blended into a chilled soup, or even turned into refreshing cucumber agua fresca. The green veggie's array of vitamins and minerals like vitamin K, magnesium, and potassium also offer a nutritious boost.

2. BoxNCase Halved and Peeled Honeydew Melons:

Nothing screams summer quite like biting into a ripe, juicy slice of watermelon or cantaloupe. Like cucumbers, melons are über hydrating thanks to their incredibly high water content. Their sweet, thirst-quenching flesh makes a luscious addition to fruit salads, smoothies, agua frescas, and more. Melons also provide a good dose of vitamins A and C to support a healthy immune system.

3. Revol Greens Green Leaf Bag Bag Fresh 10oz 24ct:

While they may not be the first foods that come to mind for summer, leafy greens like crisp romaine lettuce, tender butter lettuce, spinach, and arugula make incredibly refreshing additions to seasonal salads and sides. Their high water and fiber content help you stay hydrated and full between meals. Plus, leafy greens are nutritional powerhouses loaded with energizing B vitamins, immune-boosting vitamin C, and antioxidants to keep you feeling your best.

4. BoxNCase Sunset Mango 20 LB:

Sweet, tangy-tart mangoes are the vibrant tropical stars of summer fruit season. Bite into the velvety flesh to beat the heat and reap the benefits of over 20 different vitamins and minerals including immunity-boosters vitamin C and vitamin A. Mangoes' fiber and water content deliver excellent hydration, too. Blend into smoothies, dice into salsas, or simply devour on their own. 

5. Bernard Ranches Lisbon Lemons:

Pucker up for sunny summer lemons! These zesty citrus fruits have an amazing ability to quench thirst and cool you down thanks to their electrolyte and vitamin C content. Add a squeeze of tart lemon juice to drinks, marinades, dressings, and more for a refreshing kick. You can even freeze whole lemon slices to suck on like a hydrating summer treat.

6. Bellwether Farms Yogurt Sheep Plain 6oz 12ct:

When temperatures rise, stay chilled with a smooth, creamy yogurt. The probiotics in this dairy delight support a healthy gut, while the protein and carbs provide lasting energy. Plain Greek yogurt makes a tangy base for fruit parfaits, smoothies, or even a cooling cucumber-yogurt dip for vegetable slices. Opt for lower-sugar varieties when possible. 

7. The Better Fish Barramundi Lemon Herb Butter Frozen 12 Oz:

With their light, lean protein, fish like salmon, cod, tilapia and tuna are a perfect summer meal because they don't weigh you down. Bonus: many fish varieties are high in omega-3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation, which can rise in hot weather. Throw fish on the grill, toss in a summer salad, or turn into refreshing chilled dishes like salmon tartare or fish ceviche.

By filling up on these super hydrating, vitamin-packed summer all-stars, you'll not only beat the heat - you'll nourish your body with the crucial nutrients it needs to thrive all season long. Now that's a cool way to enjoy the summertime!